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Our Solutions
1. Choose your airframe

Designed as a RC glider, this is our most energy efficient airframe. Very easy to launch, quite, it can fly from 36 km/h to 70 km/h.
Drift has an autonomy of 2hr in flight on a single battery

A nervous flying wing, it is smaller than the Drift but it is faster.
Dart fly from 50km/h to 90 km/h. Also able to fly with 40+ km/h of wind, it has an autonomy of 60 minutes in flight
2. Choose your link options
IoT mobile network modem: unlimited range
The only limitation then is the battery autonomy
Require a SIM card
LORA 868 Mhz: 10km range
Powerfull radio link based on Lorawan technology, ground station can be plugged on a cellphone/tablet/labtop
RC radio link: 2km range
If you want the full control on your drone (or just have some fun piloting it)

Keep your hands free with our smartwatch app
All the flight data, pictures, action, and emergency options accessible on wrist

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